There are different ways on how to catch a cat, as what the pragmatic would say, and as such there are various ways on how to do things, and apparently it applies to demolishing a structure building. Either one can go through with it manually or mechanically and there are also various ways on how to, as such it can be done with explosives, or with a wrecking ball, or with construction tools and machineries. Nevertheless, there are different ways to approach it and it will depend on the client and also the factors surrounding the demolition project. So here are the steps on legally demolish a large building structure.
Call a Firm
It is always a wise idea to call the professionals first. Now there may be different contractors that are available in any given area for example if you look for large building demolition contractors in Melbourne, given that it is a big and industrial state one would probably get around more than a hundred small and medium sized firms who can do the job. So, it is up to the client to choose and tread carefully on who to entrust the project to. But calling a contractor is always the first step with such type of projects.

Building Inspection
Secondly, have the building inspected. The demolition contractors can actually or will help you with that. They will be the ones who will be processing those documents needed for that and which agency to submit to, but regardless all documents should be filled to have someone from the respective agency check the structure and make sure that the structure that is to be taken down is really owned by the one claiming the proprietor and also the reason for demolishing it must be clearly stated in the documents. This part is very important as it would be the legal justification for the said demolition project. As it would be very problematic if there is a different party that will protest and contest the said activity.
Apply for Permit
One the building has been inspected, the permit for demolition can then proceed and when all papers works are granted a permit will be given granting the operation to demolish a specific structure in a specific address and place. If the permit is granted only then can the demotion commence.

There are various ways in which it will go, one is a notice will be given out to the nearby buildings that such activity will commence given a time or that it will commence in a continuous manner where a building construction will follow after a demolition. At this point in time, all the supply lines for the house have also been disconnected and decommissioned as well. And when everything is done, it is the contractor’s job to clean up the debris afterwards.
It has to be seriously considered that demolishing a big structure is one that has to be done by professionals and that no one should be doing it by themselves, because such activity is too hazardous for an untrained person and one could get seriously hurt if done incorrectly.