In order to evaluate the balance of your internal ecosystem, you must first perform stool microbiome testing. This is laden with issues, not the least of which is a lack of understanding over what is meant by the phrase “dysbiosis.” There are two major issues with employing stool microbiome testing to evaluate the balance of your internal ecology. The first is that it is inaccurate. In humans, the fact that there is no widely agreed-upon definition of what makes a “healthy” gut eco-system is the first step in defining this problem.
The fact that commercially available stool tests do not provide the volume of information required for a thorough understanding of the true state of the microorganisms that live in your gut, which number approximately 1,000 distinct species or strains of microbes, adds to the difficulties in diagnosing and treating IBD. When compared to an unknown reference range, using one has the advantage of giving you a partial representation of your internal ecosystem, which may or may not be an acceptable benchmark in your scenario.

The use of stool tests, which can offer precise information on your levels of a much-maligned yeast known as Candida albicans — specifically, whether or not you have an excessive amount of the yeast — but which should be avoided owing to their inaccuracy, should be used with extreme caution. This is in contrast to identifying vaginal bacteria in vaginal microbiome testing. When it comes to faeces, a significant quantity of this widely spread yeast may be found in virtually every human being’s faeces, and there is no commonly acknowledged range for what constitutes a “normal” level of the organism in the body. Too much refers to a subjective classification that is frequently used to deceive you into purchasing a probiotic or antifungal supplement regimen that you do not need.

The Australian Journal of Clinical Nutrition also recommends that any stool tests that reveal the presence of “leaky gut” should raise red flags in the patient’s mind. It has been a long-standing research interest for scientists for many decades to investigate the junctions between intestinal cells and the barrier role that they perform in keeping infections from interfering with immune cells in the gut’s deeper layers. According to the findings, researchers believe that the zonula protein, which is at the heart of this research, may play a role in the permeability, or “leakiness,” of our digestive tract. ‘Leaky gut syndrome’ has been marketed and packaged for years by alternative health practitioners, who believe it is responsible for everything from digestive disorders and food allergies to brain fog and joint stiffness and everything in between. We have long marketed and packaged the ailment, even though research into “leaky gut syndrome” is still in its infancy and we have only a limited knowledge of its ramifications. Despite the fact that there is currently no conclusive scientific evidence linking this protein to any specific disease or condition, the presence of zonula levels in some stool samples has already been linked to the presence of “leaky gut,” a condition in which the digestive tract has become weakened or compromised, according to some researchers.