The world is becoming increasingly busy, and task oriented. As a result, the rate of depression worldwide is rising high. We are often washed dressed and ready to work in the morning before our eyes are fully open, family appointments are being replaced with zoom meetings, the vacations are spent working, and work hours are spent working. It’s often a complete and utter mess if you haven’t organized your life properly with a dozen different forces pulling you every which way like butter spread over too much toast.
There are plenty of modern ways that people use to combat this feeling such as drugs and pharmaceuticals but what we propose is something far simpler and far more ancient. Mindfulness. If you want to give mindfulness a shot, we do recommend mindfulness workshop for their excellent instructors and great facilities.

So, what is mindfulness meditation?
Mindfulness very simply put is the practice of bring your attention back to the present whenever it gets distracted. That’s it. There is nothing religious about it. There is no worship of gods involved, and you won’t magically turn into a Buddhist monk over a span of two hours. If you are truly willing to put in the work it takes to make meditation work for you, the results will be almost immediate, and you will notice a difference.
Mindfulness meditation has its roots in ancient Buddhist practices, but this should not deter you from it. The practice was always used as a tool that will work independently of the religion that you follow. In fact, most religions have similar form of meditation, whether it be counting beads or long pilgrimages. The prayer like state that is entered in mindfulness meditation has been found to work wonders in relieving stress and enhancing all kinds of cognitive facilities. It brings about improvements that manifest in both physical and physiological was and brings about a myriad of changes to health and behaviors.

Mindfulness improves wellbeing. By requiring you to constantly stay focused on the present, the act of mindfulness promotes healthy living, and greater appreciation of the good things that happen to us. Being mindful allows up a greater understanding of pleasure and pain and gives you the tools you require to deal with them both. People who are mindful are less likely to get caught up in the worries and anxieties of the past and present and will find it easier to stay focused on the positive rather than dwell in fears and past trauma. Needless to say, all of this contributes significantly to mental health and happiness. It can help people who are suffering from depression, eating disorders, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Meditation is truly the panacea of our generation and brings its benefits to even the physical side of our lives. It can help alleviate gastrointestinal difficulty, to improve sleep, it lowers blood pressure, and it helps relieve stress. Of course, mindfulness takes time to work. One can’t take part in a 30 min meditation and expect a huge result or shift in mindset. It is only through continual effort that change can be seen.