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Should You Rely on The Accuracy of Ovulation Tests?

by RaihanGardiner

Trying to conceive could be nerve wracking and stressful. Getting pregnant by knowing when you are ovulating is one of the most feasible methods you could do if you are trying to get pregnant. Once a month, a mature egg that is ready for fertilization by a sperm is released by your ovaries. Once the egg is released, your fertility window opens from between 12 to 24 hours period which is the perfect time for you to have sex.

Since ovulation happens in the middle of your menstrual cycle, it is best that you track your cycle if you are still not doing that. Every woman’s ovulation period is different and could change every month. This is why tracking your period is beneficial. In addition to that to make sure that you are on top of when your ovulation is happening, using ovulation test strips is also recommended.

Ovulation test strips are more accurate if your monthly period is regular

Studies have shown that accurate results with ovulation test of up to 97 percent is achievable. These strips are able to tell when you are most fertile by determining your hormone levels. Even if the strips are the best indicator on when your hormone levels are optimal for ovulation, it still does not necessarily mean that you would be able to conceive even if you have sex at your most fertile window.

It just gave you the best chance of doing so since you had sex at the time that you are most likely to get pregnant. However, the strips accuracy could also be affected by other factors. They are also more accurate for women whose monthly period is regular since it is easy to determine when they are ovulating because of a relatively predictable menstrual cycle.

So, if your monthly period is irregular and you are having a hard time predicting your next period is going to be, an ovulation test kit might not be as accurate in determining your ovulation.

Ovulation test strips are affected by other factors

Aside from having an irregular period or menstrual cycle, hampering the accuracy of an ovulation test strip are some health issues such as PCOS. Women diagnosed with PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome would not be able to get an accurate reading from ovulation test strips.

The condition causes the patient to have a surge of luteinizing hormone or LH, which is what the strips are detecting since there is a significant rise of this hormone just before ovulation. Women who are also taking certain medications such as birth control, antibiotics and fertility medications would also get erroneous results since some medicines are affecting our hormone levels.

There is no real downside to using ovulation test strips since they are safe to use and affordable. The only drawback is their accuracy for those with irregular cycles, taking medications and are suffering from some medical health conditions. Other than that, determining when you are ovulating with the help of ovulation test strips could significantly increase your chances of getting pregnant.

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