It is important to control environmental conditions in agriculture so that you can maintain optimal growth of crops and yield. One of the ways this can be done is by the use of shade cloths. You can choose shade cloths that come with different shading percentages. These will protect your crops from direct sunlight and will have high UV stabilisation.
You can find shade cloths from Empak; you can visit their official website to learn more about the products in this category along with the prices. When choosing a shade cloth you need to consider the right shading percentage. Some of the options you will come across are 70%, 50% and 30%. There are also more variations depending on the manufacturer. You have to consider the requirements of your crops, the time of year you are cultivating them and the local climate conditions when making a decision on this. Some plants tend to be heat sensitive such as lettuce and in this situation, you will need to choose a higher shading percentage so that a cooler environment can be maintained. Then there are crops like peppers and tomatoes need sufficient sunlight so that a lower shading percentage for the shade cloth can be selected. You might need to adjust the shading percentage depending on the time of the year. For example, in the summer, you will have stronger sunlight hitting the crops so you may need to use a higher shading percentage compared to the cooler months.

You need to install shade cloths properly so that you can ensure maximum effectiveness.
The shade cloth has to be spread evenly and should have sufficient tension so that it does not sag. This is what ensures a uniform shading pattern. You can choose a strong framework to support the weight of the shade cloth. This will help prevent sagging. Time to time, it is best to inspect the shade cloth or wear and tear. If you see any damaged sections, these can be repaired or replaced so that consistent shading can be maintained. Shade cloths help to regulate the temperature in a greenhouse by reducing direct sunlight. You can monitor the temperature changes in the greenhouse by installing thermometers. This will give you an idea whether the shading percentage has to be changed or not. You can also make changes to the ventilation system. These steps will ensure that the ideal conditions for the crops can be maintained.

Proper ventilation is essential
When you use a shade cloth and for this you can use roof vents, side vents and exhaust fans. This will circulate air inside the greenhouse and prevent overheating. To make things easier, you can look for automated systems so that these can adapt easily to changing conditions. When direct sunlight is reduced by shade cloths, excessive evaporation is prevented. You will then have to adjust the frequency of watering as there is less evaporation. You can optimise your irrigation system based on the requirements of the crops and the shading levels. This will help ensure there’s sufficient moisture for your crops.